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Image by Julian Schiemann

What is Social Tennis?

Social Tennis is for everyone! Whether you are new to tennis, just coming back to playing, or for more experienced players who want to play tennis without the structure of USTA leagues. 

Each week, intermediate & advanced sessions have an instructor on court to organize live match play, pick the best play structure, and provide tips to improve your game or strokes. Bring water & your own racquet.

The beginner New to Tennis sessions are taught by pros that teach players tennis from the ground up. Racquets are provided for the beginner sessions, just bring a water bottle.

Tennis balls are provided for all sessions. Come out and have fun!

For more information, including how to self-rate online without a USTA membership, contact Lori Griffel. 

Lori Headshot.jpg

Lori Griffel

Social Tennis Coordinator


Social Scene

Choose Your Social Scene

For participants picking up a racquet for the first time or those who have played recreationally a few times but don't have shot selection, serves, understand the court and scoring or the "weird" rules of tennis. NTRP 2.5 and under. All classes are instructor led learning the great sport of tennis while creating a community.


For players who have limited playing experience or have taken the Beginner tennis  class. Participants will develop format knowledge for tennis and match play, serve and stroke development, work towards rallies of 3 or more in point play, etc.


For players who have played 1 year or more of tennis with consistent play, are fine-tuning their game with competition, have some match play experience and can fully keep score, understand basic doubles format, can hit consistent groundstrokes, serves, and volleys & rally 4 or more balls in point play. NTRP rating around 2.5-3.0+. high level 2.5- 3.0+.

Instructors may find that players are not quite ready for this level of play and may suggest a beginner/pre-intermediate course be taken prior to the intermediate level.


Whether you've never picked up a tennis racquet or you win trophies often, Cardio Tennis is for you.  Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of tennis with cardiovascular exercise. Classes have a warm-up, drills, games and cooldown designed to encompass a full body workout with tennis. Classes are taught by licensed cardio tennis instructors.


For men who have played USTA leagues or are advanced social tennis players and are working to improve their play & strategy and looking for more opportunities to play in a social environment and meet other players. NTRP equivalent, 3.0 - 4.0

Men's Intermediate/Advanced
Women's Advanced

For women who have played USTA leagues or are advanced social tennis players and are working to improve their play & strategy and looking for more opportunities to play in a social environment and meet other players. NTRP equivalent, 3.0 - 3.5.

For parents and/or guardians and their child or children who are new to tennis or with limited tennis experience to learn this fun,  enjoyable, lifetime sport of tennis together. Instructor led classes are designed to engage children & adults alike. All equipment is provided. Children ages 6 & older and their parent and/or guardian.

Beginner Parent/Child

Indoor Non-Traditional Space Session 2

These indoors sessions in non-traditional (gymnasium) space use special low compression balls and small racquets and nets to work in the space. Players can develop all strokes and serves using these balls and racquets. It's a great way to keep you game improving during the winter months and have fun in a great social tennis environment.


Men & Women

Friday evenings from 6 to 7:30 pm

Location: Grace Jordan Elementary School

Date: February 7, 14, 21 & 28

Early Start 2025 Mini Session 1

3-week sessions

Let's Kick-off 2025 outdoor Social Tennis with a mini-session to chase away the winter weather. Limited Classes run March 10 - 29, outdoor tennis facilities. Registration opens soon.


Men & Women

Monday evenings 6 to 7:30 pm 

Location: eFairmont Park, Boiseitage Middle School, Meridian

Date: March 10, 17 & 24

Parent/Child Beginner


Men & Women

Tuesday  evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Men Intermediate / Advanced

Friday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA


Men & Women

Monday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Women Only

Weds. mornings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Men's  Intermediate/Advanced

Parent & Child

evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Women's Advanced


Men & Women

Wednesday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Class you want is full? Contact Lori Griffel to be placed on a waitlist. ; 208-340-9140

Upcoming 2025 Sessions

schedule subject to change

Session 2: March 31 - April 26

weather reschedules April 28-May 3

Session 3: May 05 - 31

Session 4: June 02 - 28

Session 5: July 7 - August 02

Session 6: August 4 - September 6

Monday - Thursday classes held 8/4-8/28; Friday & Saturday classes held 8/4 - 9/6 - no class 8/29 & 8/30

weather reschedules April 28-May 3

Session 7: Sept. 8 - October 11

Saturday classes held 9/8 - 10/18 with no class on October 11

Year-End Tournament: Tentatively scheduled for October 11th.

Men & Women

Thursday evenings TBA

Location: TBA 

Date: TBA

Men & Women

Tuesday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA


Wednesday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA


Thursday evenings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Men & Women

Saturday  mornings TBA

Location: TBA

Date: TBA

Social Tennis Refund

Players may request and receive a refund.  Refunds must be requested on or before the start date for the session a player is registered in.  After that date, refund requests will not be honored.  If social tennis is suspended, dates are changed, or the session is cancelled for any reason after the registration has opened, a player may request and receive a refund of their social tennis fee. To request a refund, please fill out the "Request a Refund" 'form below and submit.

Request a Refund

Please allow up to 30 days to receive your refund. Thank you!

Social Tennis Gallery 2024

Idaho Tennis Association

1076 N. Cole Road, Boise, ID 83704 

Tel: 208-322-5150

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