Host Hotel Information

Come Stay and Play
Mixed 18 & Over
Pocatello - Home 2 Suites by Hilton, 2325 Via Caporatti Drive
Adult 18 & Over: Boise
Marriott Springhill Suites, 424 E. Parkcenter Blvd, Boise
Homewood Suites by Hilton Eagle, 710 E. Riverside Drive, Eagle.
Adult 55 & Over: Idaho Falls
Adult 40 & Over: Boise
Marriott Springhill Suites, 424 E. Parkcenter Blvd, Boise.
Mixed 40 & Over: Boise
Marriott Springhill Suites, 424 E. Parkcenter Blvd, Boise.
Tri-Level: Pocatello
Home 2 Suites, Pocatello, 2325 Via Caporatti Drive.
ITA Fall Mixed: Boise
Courtyard by Marriott, (closest to venue) - 1789 S. Eagle Road, Boise/West Meridian.
Marriott Springhill Suites, (closest to downtown), 424 E. Parkcenter Blvd, Boise.

2024 District Championship Videos
2024 Adult 55 & Over Districts
2024 Adult 18 & Over Districts
2024 Adult 40 & Over Districts
2024 ITA Mixed
How to determine a winner in the event of a tie?
Winners are determined in the following order in the event of a tie.
1 - Individual Wins
2 - Head-to-Head
3 - Sets - loser of fewest number of sets
4 - Games - loser of fewest number of games
5 - Game Winning Percentage
6 - Method determined by Committee (for Adult 40 & Over it is the winner of the #1 Doubles Lines
Can teams warm up at District sites?
No. Once play has begun at a site for the day, even if courts are open, no team or members of any team can use the courts for any extra warm-up.
If indoor courts are available at District Championships does the site director pick and choose which teams can play indoors?
No. There is a predetermined method for using indoor courts that is followed in its entirety throughout the entire District event and has nothing to do with team requests, players, teams or levels. No one can request to have a match played indoors, including booking other facility courts by players. Indoor play is utilized first.
Idaho Rules and Point Penalty System for District Championship

Point Penalty System for District Championships
The Idaho District for local league play does not use the USTA Point Penalty System for late players. In local league play a player has 15 minutes to arrive and begin play or that line is a win by default to the opponent. No penalty points are given or assigned for local league play.
However, per USTA Championship rules at District Championships the Point Penalty System will be used for late players. If a player is late, and a court is available, the timer starts with the following penalties in effect. (View full Point Penalty System by clicking on the button)
Players late 5 minutes or less: Loss of toss and 1 game
Players late 5:01 – 10 minute: Loss of toss and 2 games
Players late 10:01 – 15 minutes: Loss of toss and 3 games
More than 15 minutes late: default
District Bid Confirmation Form
Notice of Intent to Play: No later than two days after the District League end date, each team qualifying to compete in the District Championship must fill out this online acceptance form indicating if they will or will not participate in the championship.
Failure to Attend: If a team gives notice that it will participate in a District Championship but then fails to do so, penalties may be administered with the maximum penalty being disqualification of all of its members who had agreed to participate from all league play for the following year. The Championship Committee shall decide upon the penalty.
2025 District Calendar*
*Subject to Change
May 30 - June 01 Pocatello
District League End Date: May 18
July 18 - 20 Boise
District League End Date: July 06
Matches will be scheduled on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
August 01 - 03 Idaho Falls
District League End Date: July 20
August 15 - 17 Boise
District League End Date: August 03
Matches will be scheduled on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
August 22 - 24 Boise
District League End Date: August 10
September 18 Twin Falls
District League End Date: September 14
TRI - LEVEL 3.0/3.5/4.0 - 3.5/ - 4.0/4.5/5.0
September 19 - 21 Pocatello
District League End Date: September 07
October 03 - 05 Boise
District League End Date: September 21
2024 HALL of FRAME